Match Report

today's match is sponsored by Armellini

Match Report

Match Report
The sky is dark and overcast here at Centenario Dr. José Luis Meiszner where Quilmes Atlético Club play host to Huracán. A crowd of 17,503 fill this 21,000 capacity stadium.
The pitch is in poor condition.
Both Quilmes Atlético Club and Huracán are lined up in a 4-4-2 formation.
Today's match is refereed by Iván Guzmán.

The whistle blows and Huracán kick off!
Santino Rey threads a neat ball through to Leandro Franco. Leandro Franco knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Santos B.J. Fernandez who gathers it comfortably.
Horacio López chips the ball to his team mate, Oscar Kempes. Oscar Kempes flicks a high pass forward. Narcise Olivier Bordi collects the pass. Narcise Olivier Bordi knocks in a cross ball which is cleared by the defence.
Gustavo E. Pereyra hacks Oscar Kempes from behind! The referee calls over Gustavo E. Pereyra and shows him a yellow card! Oscar Kempes stretches but gets up unharmed.
Leandro Franco takes it forward alone. Leandro Franco knocks in a cross ball towards Gonzalo Ramos. Gonzalo Ramos directs the ball goalwards with his head which easily beats the keeper. Goal!!
Christian Godoy threads a neat ball through to Narcise Olivier Bordi. Narcise Olivier Bordi sees the keeper off his line and tries a speculative shot on goal but he balloons it over the crossbar!
Alexis Blanco comes in with a late challenge on Oscar Kempes. The referee brings Alexis Blanco to one side and gives him a warning! Oscar Kempes runs off the knock.
Eduardo Santiago makes a probing pass to Javier Osorio. Javier Osorio takes it forward alone. Javier Osorio shoots from distance but Santos B.J. Fernandez reads it well. Quality keeping!
Uriel Ríos flicks a high pass forward. Alexis Blanco holds off his marker to collect the ball on his thigh. Alexis Blanco controls the ball well before passing to his team mate, Bautista López. Bautista López knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Mateo Montenegro.
Santino Rey flicks a high pass forward to Alexis Blanco who brings the ball under control. Alexis Blanco tries a spectacular long range effort but it's well over the bar!
The referee blows for the end of the first half

Both teams emerge for the second half. Quilmes Atlético Club appear unchanged since the first half. Huracán also appear unchanged since the first half.

The second half starts with Quilmes Atlético Club kicking off!
Alexis Blanco flicks a high pass forward. Bautista López collects the pass. Bautista López skips past Mateo Montenegro! Some silky footwork from Bautista López provides him some room. He curls a shot at goal. The ball ricochets off Matias Romano and flashes wide of the far post.
Bautista López comes in with a late challenge on Javier Fuertes. Bautista López is warned by the referee! Javier Fuertes hobbles a bit, but should be okay.
Matias Romano makes a strong solo run forward. Matias Romano flicks a high ball forward to Narcise Olivier Bordi who takes it down. Narcise Olivier Bordi knocks in a poor cross ball which is cleared easily by Santino Rey.
Uriel Ríos flicks the ball to his team mate, Santino Rey. Santino Rey flicks a high pass forward to Gonzalo Ramos who brings the ball under control. Gonzalo Ramos shoots from 25 yards. The ball dips but the keeper is on top of it. Fabulous stop!
Bautista López hits a low pass to Gustavo E. Pereyra. Gustavo E. Pereyra knocks in a cross ball which is cleared easily by the defence.
Horacio López kicks a strong pass forward to Oscar Kempes. Oscar Kempes flicks the ball to his team mate, Narcise Olivier Bordi. Narcise Olivier Bordi knocks in a cross ball but it is headed clear by Uriel Ríos.
Alexis Blanco flicks a high pass forward to Gustavo E. Pereyra who brings the ball under control. Gustavo E. Pereyra knocks in a cross ball but it is too close to Santos B.J. Fernandez who gathers it comfortably.
Full-time is reached with the referee blowing his whistle!

Match Statistics

Match Statistics
Goals: 1 vs 0
Shots on Target
Shots on Target: 4 vs 0
Shots off Target
Shots off Target: 1 vs 1
Offsides: 2 vs 0
Fouls: 3 vs 0
Yellow Cards
Yellow Cards: 1 vs 0
Red Cards
Red Cards: 0 vs 0

Possession: 53.4246575342466 vs 46.5753424657534
Play Area
Home team third: 20.55%, Midfield: 46.58%, Away team third: 32.88%


Man of the Match

Man of the Match
The man of the match was awarded to Gonzalo Ramos of Quilmes Atlético Club

Match Ratings

Match Ratings
3. Uriel Ríos (DEF)
5. Javier Osorio (DEF)
7. Alexis Blanco (MID)
8. Santino Rey (MID)
10. Gonzalo Ramos (ATT)

13. Leonel Bassedas (DEF)
14. Nestor Aguilar (DEF)